Interface CryptoBackend

Common interface for the crypto implementations


Implemented by


globalBlacklistUnverifiedDevices: boolean

Global override for whether the client should ever send encrypted messages to unverified devices. This provides the default for rooms which do not specify a value.

If true, all unverified devices will be blacklisted by default

globalErrorOnUnknownDevices: boolean

Whether sendMessage in a room with unknown and unverified devices should throw an error and not send the message. This has 'Global' for symmetry with setGlobalBlacklistUnverifiedDevices but there is currently no room-level equivalent for this setting.


  • Encrypt an event according to the configuration of the room.


    Promise which resolves when the event has been encrypted, or null if nothing was needed


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Called by the /sync loop whenever an event is received.

    This is called before RoomStateEvents are emitted for any of the events in the /sync response (even if the other events technically happened first). This works around a problem if the client uses a RoomStateEvent (typically a membership event) as a trigger to send a message in a new room (or one where encryption has been newly enabled): that would otherwise leave the crypto layer confused because it expects crypto to be set up, but it has not yet been.


    • room: Room

      in which the event was received

    • event: MatrixEvent

      encryption event to be processed

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Perform any background tasks that can be done before a message is ready to send, in order to speed up sending of the message.


    • room: Room

      the room the event is in

    Returns void

  • Checks if the user has previously published cross-signing keys

    This means downloading the devicelist for the user and checking if the list includes the cross-signing pseudo-device.


    true if the user has previously published cross-signing keys

    Returns Promise<boolean>

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